Shipping to South Korea from the US
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Cheapest shipping to South Korea
*All prices shown are subject to change, based on the weight, size and destination of your package.
How much to ship to South Korea?
How long does it take to ship to South Korea?
Customs advice for shipping to South Korea
Customs requirements
When shipping from the US to South Korea, you will be required to complete a customs declaration form, which details the contents of your package, the intended use and the value. We will guide you through the customs declaration as part of the booking process. All you need to do is print the competed documents and attach them to your package.
You sould also Include one original invoice and two copy invoices with your parcel and any details relating to model or part numbers and country of origin. Always include the consignee's telephone number so they can be contacted by customs.
There are also restrictions on the value of items sent to South Korea before taxes and duties become due. For both company-to-individual and individual-to-individual, the limits were 50000.00 Won KRW at the time of writing.
Read more advice on customs documents.
Prohibited items
Shipping restrictions for sending to South Korea include jewelry, soil, traveler checks, stamps or seals to be used on banking documents, pornography, toy guns and a variety of food stuff. If you wish to send knives into South Korea you will need to get permission from the South Korean Police Department.
You can find more information on the customs clearance procedure for postal items travelling to South Korea from the Korea Customs Service.