Shipping to Germany from the USA
From $23.64
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Cheapest shipping to Germany
Delivery time
*All prices shown are subject to change, based on the weight, size and destination of your package.
How much to ship to Germany?
You can send a package from the US to the Germany from as little as $23.64 when you book online with Parcel Monkey. Simply get a quote through our shipping calculator to compare prices from a range of couriers.
How long does it take to ship to Germany?
Delivery times from the the US to Germany can vary between 5-6 business days for a standard or express service to 14-21 for an economy service. Generally you'll pay less for services with longer delivery times.
Customs advice for shipping to Germany
Customs requirements
You will be required to provide a customs declaration form when shipping to Germany.
Duties and taxes may be applied to your package when it reaches Germany. Please ensure you provide contact details for the recipient so German Customs can contact them for payment.
You can find out more information on customs duty and exporting to Germany from German Customs.
Prohibited items
- Printed material, film, audio, CD, DVD or cassettes containing propaganda of a violent and/or aggressive nature.
- Certain carcinogenic substances
- Certain food items (if the shipment is 20kgs or more)
- Offensive weapons
- Counterfeit coins and banknotes
- Counterfeit or pirated goods
- Goods bearing false origin statements
- Goods infringing a copyright
- Goods infringing a trademark
- Green and Black Tea of P.R. China origin
- Indecent or Obscene Material
- Seeds or beans from Egypt