FedEx Ground
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About FedEx Ground
FedEx Ground is a low-cost delivery service for businesses sending packages in the US and Canada.
Using the road network, FedEx Ground offers fully tracked delivery to any US business address throughout all 50 states and with a generous maximum weight limit of up to 150lbs, it’s one of the cheapest ways to send large boxes across states.
For residential deliveries, check out FedEx Home Delivery. This service will give you all the benefits of FedEx Ground, but it’s designed specifically for individuals sending packages.
Your questions about FedEx Ground answered:
How long does FedEx Ground take?
FedEx Ground delivery times in the US are generally 2-5 business days. For delivery to Alaska and Hawaii, you should allow 3-7 business days.
FedEx Ground delivery hours
FedEx Ground delivers to commercial addresses Mon-Friday up to 5 pm.
What size package can I send with FedEx Ground?
Packages up to 150 lbs., 108" in length, and 165" in length plus girth (L+2W+2H) can be shipped with FedEx Ground.
If you are shipping something over 75lbs, FedEx recommends that you place yellow and black safety heavyweight labels over the diagonal corners of the package.
What’s FedEx Ground drop off?
FedEx Ground drop off allows you to drop off your package at a local FedEx location, which saves you waiting for a courier to collect it.
If you’re sending something particularly large or heavy, you may prefer to book a pickup service where FedEx will collect your item right from your door.
Secret deals!
When you get a quote with Parcel Monkey you may not spot FedEx Ground, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Because our prices are so low, we sell FedEx Ground as one of our Secret Deals...get a quote and see if you can guess which one it is.
What are secret deals?FedEx Ground alternatives
If you’re looking for an alternative to FedEx Ground, then check out the following services. These courier services are similar but may be cheaper.
Service availability may vary depending on where you're shipping from and to. Use our shipping calculator to check which services ship to your destination.
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